Silvia Jato - International Booking – Booking and Management –


Silvia Jato

Silvia Jato (Lugo, June 6, 1971) is a television host and Spanish model. She holds a degree in Economics and Business Studies from Universidad CEU San Pablo in Madrid.

In 1990 she began her professional career in the world of television in TVG (Televisión Autonómica de Galicia) as presenter of the program Sabor a ti. A year later he presented in this same chain the special end of year entitled Sabor 92, the Gala pro-Bosnia with Paco Lodeiro and the Gala Santiago de Compostela, European Cultural Capital of the year 2000.

Also presented in TVG the Gateway of Stars during the years 1995 and 1996.

In 1996 he also started working for Antena 3 Televisión, where he made the presentation of the Antena 3 International channel, as well as the New Year’s Eve Gala. Shortly afterwards, she presented the Gazo de Pina de Mariñán fashion show on TVG and a year later the second edition of this same gala.

In 1997 she began to work as an editor of Antena 3’s Antenna program, a space that Inés Ballester led. Later he presented Night of Impact (1998) with Carlos García Hirschfeld, two seasons of Mírame (1999-2000) and more recently Pelopicopata (2004) and Los Más (2004), with Arturo Valls.2 All of them in Antena 3.

From 2000 to 2005 he led the most successful program Pasapalabra, also in Antena 3. And in 2005 presented the space From time to time life3 and, for the second time the New Year’s Eve Gala.

Already in 2006 the presenter after finalizing her contract with Antena 3 and signed with Telecinco, where she remains a year, presenting for a few months the evening program Allá tú, replacing Jesús Vázquez.

In May of 2007 participated like monologuista in the contest the club of Flo, in the Sixth. Shortly after it was fichada by Spanish Television. Her only work for the public channel however was to replace Inés Ballesteren the presentation of the magazine In the morning during the summer of 2007.

Hired by the chain Cuatro in 2008, since June of that year presents the contest Fifty Fifty. After having his third daughter in August 2009, he returned to work, accompanying Xosé Ramón Gayoso in the presentation of the program Luar in TVG.