Carlos Latre Ruiz was born in Castellón, Spain in January 30th 1979. He is a comedian and impersonator and started working in a radio station for a music show called “40 Principales”. He started in television in the show “Xou com sou”.
Later on he introduces his impressions in the show “Crónicas Marcianas” doing several characters, such as “La Pitonisa Lola”, “Torrente”, “Juan Carlos I” and “Cayetana de Alba”. Afterwards, he started his own show in the same Network called “Latrelevisión” with a discrete audience which led him to collaborate with some other shows like “Réplica”, “Crackovia”, “Herrera en la Onda” (radio) among others.
He has worked as voice actor of characters in movies like “Garfield”, “La increíble pero cierta historia de Caperucita Roja” and “The Jungle Book 2”.
He received the award “Micrófono de Oro de la Federación de Asociaciones de Radio y Televisión”, has been auctioneer in the “Carthagineses Festivities and Romanos de Cartagena” in 2010. In 2011 he presents all over Spain the play “Yes, we Spain” where only him acts.
In Antena 3 he has collaborated as an impersonator in DEC and “La Escobilla Nacional”.
He invente done of the famous “meme” called “Its Free” about the ex president of the FC Barcelona, Núñez.